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New Habits for New Normality?

Photo du rédacteur: Matthieu PrunierMatthieu Prunier

From the beginning of the COVID-19 related health crisis and lockdown, we (students, professionals, retirees, children, parents) are all living in an exceptional and unique situation on both personal and professional sides. From day one, social distancing has impacted organizations, human interactions, and our relation to work.

For many of us, working from home is self-evident. For many of us, the lockdown means the sudden loss of a job or partial unemployment. Due to the urgency of the situation, our clients from the finance, insurance, and technology sectors have quickly adapted: telework, online collaboration, new products, and services in the face of this crisis.

We are proud and grateful to have maintained our activity thanks to virtual course solutions adapted to each of our clients. It must be concluded that our work must evolve to meet the new habits of our students after this situation returns to normal.

Premiere Class will adapt to satisfy:

  • new ways of working with our students

  • new expectations from our clients

  • a new vision of the world as a citizen, consumer and professional

New ways of working with our students

Our clients have shown resilience and adapted their professional schedules to their personal lives. We have offered our students the option of virtual meetings and online courses for more flexibility and mobility.

A first observation can be made after eight weeks of distance-learning courses. First of all, on an educational level, the development of our students' skills is constant. Next, in terms of customer experience, 95% of our students are satisfied. This double success is an opportunity to thank our clients for their adaptability and their motivation, and also to congratulate our trainers.

New expectations from our clients

For many, this period of lockdown is a moment of reflection and introspection. Our relation to work will inexorably be called into question ("so why go to the office if I can do it at home?").

Will the advantages (such as physical location, working atmosphere, etc.) put forward by recruiters and employers to attract and retain their talents remain relevant once we return to normal? Applicants and employees will likely broaden their selection criteria to other benefits such as professional development and employer engagement.

A new vision of the world as a citizen, consumer and professional

This time will also have an influence on our way of thinking and consuming, as a professional and as a citizen.

It is still too early to measure the impact that this crisis will have on the medium to long term horizon on organizations and our relation to work. But one thing is certain: the lockdown has a real short-term influence on human interactions.

Flexibility, mobility, revaluation of benefits, engagement (social and environmental) of employers will be more considered in the decision-making process of employees and future recruits.

In the coming months, Premiere Class will have a priority to strengthen its pedagogical approach based on blended learning - in person and online. This will aim to improve the experience of its students while offering them more flexibility and mobility. We will actively support our clients in the diversification of their language training to support their talents and new requirements... and "everything will be alright."

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