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French courses for
professionals in Toronto.

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Premiere Class - ACPI.png
Premiere Class' clients - Google
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What we offer.

Premiere Class helps professionals learn business French.


We teach business French in companies located in downtown Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).


We offer group classes, private lessons, and online courses aligned to the objectives and catered to the schedules of our clients across various sectors: accounting, financial, insurance, legal, non-profit, technology.

Who we work with.

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Premiere Class - Safran.png
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Premiere Class' clients - Google
Premiere Class' clients - Public Service Alliance of Canada

Our latest insights.



Please watch this explainer video to learn more about Premiere Class and its services (French courses, exam preparation, and consulting). If you have any questions, kindly contact us. We would be happy to help!



Happy 5th Anniversary, Premiere Class!



Five years ago, Premiere Class was founded. We would like to thank our team of language consultants for promoting the French language and bilingualism across Canada!




Our students love their French courses.

Cours de français pour professionnels à Toronto (RGT)

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